[ default ] ! Failure ! Bad luck, pilot. [ m1 ] Training program incomplete. A further attempt must be made. [ m2 ] Training program incomplete. A further attempt must be made! [ m3 ] Training program incomplete. A further attempt must be made! [ m4 ] Training program incomplete, a further attempt must be made. [ m5 ] Training program incomplete, a further attempt must be made. [ m6 ] Training program incomplete, a further attempt must be made. [ m7 ] Training program incomplete, a further attempt must be made. [ m8 ] Tractor beam training incomplete, a further attempt must be made. [ m9 ] Training program incomplete, Human! You must complete the training regime in full, a further attempt must be made. [ m10 ] The Human has been killed in action! The loss of human battle skills from the arsenal of the Reptons, confuses and demoralizes the war fleet and it loses the initiative. Soon after this mission, the Ovons take advantage of the situation and crush the Repton war fleet. This marks the end of the Repton campaign. [ m11 ] The asteroid fields have once again claimed the life of a warrior. Soon after the death of the Human, the War Drum was attacked and destroyed by an Ovon battle squadron, thus ending the Repton campaign. [ m12 ] The Ovon attack has been successful, the wreckage of the War Drum now drifts slowly through space, a silent reminder of the Repton's last campaign. [ m13 ] Energy reserves were not sufficient to beat off another surprise Ovon attack, which fell like a hammer shortly after the failure of the Human to re-supply the fleet. The defeated War Drum has been broken up by the Ovons for scrap. [ m14 ] The Ovon attack was successful, Aal Tair 7 has been destroyed. Without weapons research, the Repton war effort grinds to a halt.This campaign is over. [ m15 ] A comet made physical contact with the War Drum at 11.13 hours, destroying it instantly. The Ovon counter attack is successful and the Repton campaign is over. [ m16 ] The Ovon ambush has succeeded. Along with the loss of the Human, this setback has forced a complete withdrawal upon the Reptons and the campaign is over. [ m17 ] The Ovons have fought the Repton advance to a standstill. The death of the Human and an inadequate supply of raw materials have forced the Reptons to retreat. The campaign is ended. [ m18 ] The War Drum has been vaporized by incessant Ovon laser fire. The Repton campaign is over. [ m19 ] The patrol failed to re-establish contact with the Repton fleet! The War Drum pushed home with an attack on the Ovon sector base,which still retained active defense in depth, with devastating consequences. The War Drum was overwhelmed and destroyed soon after by Ovon Claw squadrons. The Repton campaign has been obliterated. [ m20 ] The assault on Iris I is a failure! Soon after the last Repton fighter was destroyed, the Ovons surrounded the War Drum, launching a counter attack that wiped-out all Repton resistance. The Repton campaign is over! [ m21 ] With their lines of communication still firmly open, the Ovon defenses are too strong to be breached further by the Repton War Fleet. It has been decided to withdraw the fleet to prevent further losses and the campaign is ended. [ m22 ] In a desperate rear guard action, the Ovon fighters have destroyed the mopping up mission. Anxious about Repton security, the Repton High Command decide to withdraw the fleet. The campaign is closed. [ m23 ] The War Drum has been destroyed in the intervention of the Karnnin space pirates in the Repton campaign against the Ovons. This is now halted until High Command can fully understand the implications of this unexpected Karnnin involvement. [ m24 ] The hyperspace missile was allowed to enter the portal! As the missile left hyperspace it locked on to the War Drum, moments later the War Drum was atomized into particles of dust, floating in space. [ m25 ] Asteroids fields are hazardous to life forms of all types. An asteroid approaching from your blind side collided with your craft, resulting in the loss of an expensive bomber and the life of a worthless human battle slave. [ m26 ] The space pirates have eliminated the Human. Their victory has given them access to much captured and salvaged equipment, from both The Repton war fleet and the neutral supply base. The capture of Nirvana 12 has made the pirates powerful enough to be courted as allies by the Ovons. Together they can destroy the War Drum and end the Repton campaign. [ m27 ] The attack force, including the Human, has been eliminated. The Reptons have lost the tactical advantage and must adopt a defensive posture. The Ovons now find themselves able to mount a campaign against the Repton home world. [ m28 ] An ambush! The Ovons were waiting for the recovery patrol and pressed home their attack with dogged ferocity. There are no survivors from the patrol. The speed of the Ovon thrust has caught the Repton War Fleet totally unprepared and it is forced to retire to a safe sector of space. The campaign is over. [ m29 ] We are defeated! Due to the failure of the stealth squadron, the War Drum was forced to launch a preemptive strike on the Ovon sector base, through sectors containing intact mine fields. The War Drum has been crippled in the attack, and the empty hulk spins off through space. Ovon guards from Iris II have begun executing all captured Repton personnel. The campaign has been crushed. [ m30 ] The Human has been eliminated! The Repton War Fleet has to retire in the face of superior enemy fire power and the campaign is effectively over. [ m31 ] The Human and his gun pod have been destroyed by Ovon forces. The Ovon battle suits infiltrated the Repton defenses and were able to capture the War Drum intact, thus halting the Repton offensive. [ m32 ] The Human is destroyed! The Ovons have secured an artifact generated by an unknown species, found drifting in the latest combat sector. They have developed the alien technology into a devastating new weapon, which they have used to slaughter the Repton fleet. The campaign is ended.. [ m33 ] The Human is dead and the Ovon destroyer succeeded in delivering the Megnat diplomat to the peace talks on the Ovon home world. Within 1000 hours, a peace treaty is signed between the Ovons and Megnats. 3000 hours later, the Ovon and Megnat space fleets joined forces and make a massive assault on the War Drum, completely wiping out the Repton task force. Shortly thereafter, the Ovons entered the orbit of the Repton home world and totally obliterated the remaining Repton military forces. [ m34 ] The destruction of the Human and his mission, caused a severe drop in power levels aboard the War Drum. The Ovons took advantage of this and launched a full scale attack on the mothership. The War Drum has been ripped apart, thus ending the Reptons campaign! [ m35 ] Repton Combat Command underestimated the power of the Ovon attack. After a long and hard fight the Ovons managed to destroy the War Drum. The Ovons are now mopping up what Repton units remain active. The campaign is ended. [ m36 ] The Human has been killed in action! Without Human combat skills, the Reptons lose their main advantage. Soon after this mission, the Ovons seize the initiative and defeat the Reptons. This marks the end of the Repton campaign. [ m37 ] The Human is dead! The Reptons continue the advance, without the Human, resulting in many lost battles. Finally, the Ovons destroy the War Drum and halt the Repton Campaign. [ m38 ] Disaster strikes! The Human is dead and the Ovons have recovered his flight computer. They have reversed the course data, to obtain a direct route back to the War Drum. Their best and most experienced pilots are available to launch their own surprise raid against the War Drum. The War Drum is destroyed and the campaign is over. [ m39 ] The Ovons have captured the Commander after destroying the Human and recovering the escape pod. He has been incarcerated on Iris III and is being drained of all useful military and political information. Some of this material is so sensitive that the War Drum and the Repton War Fleet have been ordered to break off the campaign in order to avoid disaster. [ m40 ] Soon after the destruction of the Human, the Ovons launch a counter attack on the Repton fleet, which is over extended. Iris III manages to gain a direct hit on the War Drum, resulting in it's destruction. The Reptons have failed in this campaign. [ m41 ] The mission is a failure! The Ovons have successfully defended their Early warning outpost. The lack of surprise in our attack has enabled the Ovons to cripple the War Drum. The Mothership is now stranded in Ovon space and cannot be deployed to defend our home world against a bloody Ovon counter offensive. Campaign over. [ m42 ] The Human is dead, the fleet is smashed and the War Drum is captured. The Ovons have demanded that the Reptons make massive reparations or face a direct assault on their own home world. The campaign is over. [ m43 ] The human has failed to fulfill the mission objective. His death in combat was an unexpected loss. Soon after his demise, the Ovons stage a full scale attack on the War Drum and are victorious. This marks the end of the Repton campaign. [ m46 ] The Ovon Mothership has fought a desperate rearguard action, destroying the War drum and eliminating the Human. Without an active mothership in support, the remnants of the Repton fleet must withdraw to safe sectors. The Ovons are too weakened to exploit their unexpected victory, but the Repton campaign is effectively over. [ m45 ] The arrogant confidence of the Repton combat command has allowed them to blunder into the NET. Insufficient damage was caused before the destruction of the Human prompted this rash maneuver. Over 80% of the assets of the Repton war fleet have been disabled and salvaged by the Ovons. They now have sufficient material superiority to threaten an extensive campaign against the Reptons. This campaign is over. [ m44 ] The Human has failed and is dead! The War Drum cannot penetrate the Ovon missile installation screen. Lacking the required resources to mount another attack, the War Drum must retire and the campaign is ended. [ m47 ] The Human has died fulfilling his mission! The Reptons can now continue the campaign against the Ovons, but without the aid of mammalian battle skills, the probability of total victory is reduced. [ m48 ] The Human has died in combat whilst operating an experimental weapon. The Darklight drive will help bring the Reptons ultimate victory, but the Human will be absent from the final assault. [ m49 ] The Human is Dead! The Ovons complete their pincer movement and obliterate the Reptons in reprisal for the attack on their home planet. The Ovons are determined to rid the Galaxy of the Repton threat once and for all. They swear never to rest until the Repton Scourge is vanquished! The Repton campaign has finally been defeated! [ m50 ] The Human has died under the guns of the victorious Repton war fleet, in their ancient victory ritual. Although the Human has added many Repton souls to the sacrifice, the Repton High Command can still celebrate their victory over the Ovons. The campaign is ended, the adventure is over.